Sunday, March 8, 2009

LOS Spring Meeting in Grand Isle

The Louisiana Ornithological Society will hold its spring meeting one week earlier than listed in our bulletin. The meeting will coincide with the Grand Isle Migratory Bird Festival. Below is the announcement for the meeting. Check it out, it will be great.
The LOS Spring Meeting announcement and registration form are now on the LOS web site, If you are planning on attending, make your room reservations now and please pre-register for the banquet. We will need to give the Grand Isle ladies a head count. They have fed us very well in the past and will do so again!  We are very excited to have our own Gay Gomez as our speaker on Saturday night. She will have copies of her new book with her to sell and autograph.
Judith O'Neale
504 Whitebark Drive
Lafayette LA 70508-6362
337-280-4193 - cell

Friday, March 6, 2009

LABA March field trip

Sorry that the newsletter is late again this month.
Here's information on the March field trip:

March 15 – Lake Martin

The nesting waterfowl are returning to Lake Martin and it is a good time to check out incoming migrants.  For those who want, we have booked a boat tour  at 7:30 a.m. with Butch Guchereau of Cajun Country Swamp Tours.  The cost for a two hour trip is $20.  We need to know how many people would be interested in going on the tour.  Those who choose not to go out on the boat can continue to bird the area.  We will also plan to go to have lunch at CafĂ© Des Amis in Breaux Bridge. 

Meet at the Heymann parking lot at 6:50 a.m. to car pool. 

PLEASE let Matilde know if you plan to attend and if you want to go on the boat tour.  Please make sure that she has your cell phone number. 337-856-6757 or cell 278-2936

This will be last newsletter for those who have not renewed their membership by March 30.