Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fwd: Fifth Annual Eagle Expo

Judith O'Neale
504 Whitebark Drive
Lafayette LA 70508-6362
337-280-4193 - cell

Friday, December 11, 2009

Hummingbird banding Dec 16

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, December 16. 

Winter hummingbird banding will take place at the Must home in Lafayette from 7-9:30 AM.  From Johnston Street take Camelia Blvd.  After the first traffic signal, which is Wakefield, you'll veer to the right and enter Rivers Bend Subdivision.  You will veer left onto Camellia Drive.  Take the first right, which is Oak Glen.  Continue on this through the hard curve to the left and proceed straight.  Immediately after the dead end sign you'll turn right onto Hal Drive.  The address is 105 Hal, last house on the left.  Hope to see you there!

Judith O'Neale
504 Whitebark Drive
Lafayette LA 70508-6362
337-280-4193 - cell