Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fwd: Fifth Annual Eagle Expo

Judith O'Neale
504 Whitebark Drive
Lafayette LA 70508-6362
337-280-4193 - cell

Friday, December 11, 2009

Hummingbird banding Dec 16

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, December 16. 

Winter hummingbird banding will take place at the Must home in Lafayette from 7-9:30 AM.  From Johnston Street take Camelia Blvd.  After the first traffic signal, which is Wakefield, you'll veer to the right and enter Rivers Bend Subdivision.  You will veer left onto Camellia Drive.  Take the first right, which is Oak Glen.  Continue on this through the hard curve to the left and proceed straight.  Immediately after the dead end sign you'll turn right onto Hal Drive.  The address is 105 Hal, last house on the left.  Hope to see you there!

Judith O'Neale
504 Whitebark Drive
Lafayette LA 70508-6362
337-280-4193 - cell

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fwd: Field trip

Some picture from Kevin Leigh from our last field trip to Lacassine.
We didn't see the Harris's Hawk but Lisa found it the next day. 
Christmas Bird Count December 30. 
Cheneyville Field trip and Annual meeting January 17, 2010
Judith O'Neale
504 Whitebark Drive
Lafayette LA 70508-6362
337-280-4193 - cell

Sunday, November 8, 2009

LABA November newsletter

The newsletter is only one page but If you want a hard copy of this newsletter, let me know. 

Saturday, November 7, 2009

November field trip

Late getting the newsletter out again but good reason.  A good LOS meeting in Cameron and two great weekends of Yellow Rail & Rice Festival.
November field trip will be Sunday the 15th.  A trip to Lacassine National Wildlife Refuge which is a really great waterfowl area.  Hopefully some of the hundreds of birds that we saw the past two weekends will still be around in the Thornwell area.  Highway 99 proved to be a very good Bald Eagle haunt.  I believe that Michael Seymour saw 8 on Saturday. 
Please let Matilde know if you plan to attend.
I will get a newsletter out in the next couple of days.
Judith O'Neale
504 Whitebark Drive
Lafayette LA 70508-6362
337-280-4193 - cell

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

September field trip

Almost time to start LABA field trips.
Matilde and I are planning our September 25-27 field trip to Dauphin Island Alabama.
We need to know how many people are interested in going on this trip. 
There is a good possibility of a boat trip in Mobile Bay Saturday afternoon. 
Cost of boat trip would depend on how many people go on the trip.  But probably about $35 for half-day trip.  Would you be interested in this trip also?
This is not a commitment, we just want to get an idea of how many people might like to go on this trip.
Please respond as soon as possible.
"How old would you be if you didn't know how old you was?" -
                                         Satchel Paige
Judith O'Neale
504 Whitebark Drive
Lafayette LA 70508-6362
337-280-4193 - cell

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Sunday Field Trip - reminder



SUNDAY MAY 17th – Sherburne WMA – Atchafalaya Pot Luck

We'll meet at the Heymann Center/old museum parking lot at 6:50 a.m. and drive to the Whiskey Bay to meet the others around 7:40.  Areas to bird:  Sherburne WMA, Whiskey Bay, and Bayou Manual Rd in the Atchafalaya NWR.  We'll return to the Butte La Rose Visitor Center and then to Jim Delahoussaye's home on the Atchafalaya River.  I'll provide pork BBQ and buns for sandwiches, please bring a dish to share and your drink.  We will provide paper plates/napkins/utensils.  If you want to meet us at Jim's around noon, it's 1.8 miles south of the Butte La Rose VC.  Turn left onto the levee (across from Owl Hoot Run) and turn left into the first driveway (2223).  Don't forget to bring a chair, snacks, water, insect repellent and sun screen.  Don't forget your binoculars and field guide.   Please let Matilde know if you plan to attend.  

Email: or phone 337-856-6757 cell 278-2936


Persons using WMAs or other department administered lands for any purpose must possess one of the following:
1. a valid Wild Louisiana Stamp
2. a valid Louisiana fishing license
3. a valid Louisiana hunting license

Persons younger than 16 or older than 60 years of age are exempt from this requirement.

Judith O'Neale
504 Whitebark Drive
Lafayette LA 70508-6362
337-280-4193 - cell

Sunday, May 10, 2009

May 17 field trip

Sorry about the wrong date at the top of newsletter.  The correct date is Sunday the 17th.
Judith O'Neale
504 Whitebark Drive
Lafayette LA 70508-6362
337-280-4193 - cell

Friday, May 1, 2009

Changes to list

Older excel file attached also in case you can't open the new one. 
Harriett Pooler email address -  (two tts)
Linda Stewart Knight change phone number to cell - 225-921-6911 
pager number okay
Jim Delahoussaye street number - 2223
Add Rose and Jack Must, home address and phone number
105 Hal Dr Lafayette 70503 988-6978
Judith O'Neale
504 Whitebark Drive
Lafayette LA 70508-6362
337-280-4193 - cell

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

LABA membership list

Please send me any corrections and let me know if you want me to send hard copy. 
Judith O'Neale
504 Whitebark Drive
Lafayette LA 70508-6362
337-280-4193 - cell

Monday, April 27, 2009

Neotropical Songbird Day

Neotropical Songbird Day and Step Outside Day at Sherburne Wildlife Mgt area.  Full description included in the press release from Army Corps below.  


Contact:  Brian L. Osberghaus, 337-585-0853


STEP OUTSIDE® Day:  Outdoor Activities Day Slated for May 9th

Program open to all but especially targets special needs individuals; Scheduled the same day is the Neotropic Songbird Tour


KROTZ SPRINGS – The 6th Annual STEP OUTSIDE Day, open to all children and adults but is targeted to those with special needs, will be held on Saturday, May 9th, in Louisiana's great Atchafalaya Basin.


Participate in diverse outdoor activities at the Sherburne Wildlife Management Area Headquarters, near Krotz Springs.  It is located on LA 975 three miles south of U.S. 190 on the east side of the Atchafalaya River levee.  Registration begins at 8 a.m.  Activities run from 9 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


A separate event the same day is the Neotropic Songbird Tour, with assembly from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m.  The Sherburne Wildlife Management Area, adjacent to LA 975 between Interstate 10 and U.S. 190, offers one of the highest densities of nesting neotropic songbirds in North America.  (More on the bird tour below).


STEP OUTSIDE is a national program administered by the National Shooting Sports Foundation to increase participation in outdoor sports.  Last year more than 600 registrants participated in the event.  This year's event will include fishing, archery, boating, target and trap shooting, wood crafts construction, nature photography, bird watching and decoy painting.


Also featured will be exhibits on adaptive equipment, water safety, Louisiana black bear information, turkey trapping demonstrations, trapping techniques, and turkey and duck calling.  Be sure to stick around for the prize drawings to take place during the lunch hour near the registration tent.


No alcoholic beverages or glass containers will be allowed on the premises.  Due to the nature of activities, liability waiver forms must be completed.


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are the local sponsors.  STEP OUTSIDE Day is targeted to people with disabilities or those with little or no opportunity to engage in such activities, providing them with mentoring and safe, hands-on experience.


Pre-registration is encouraged.  To register or get detailed driving directions to the Sherburne Headquarters, call the Corps of Engineers, Atchafalaya Basin Floodway System Project Office, 337-585-0853.


The Neotropic Songbird Tour will introduce participants to bird identification through observation and their specific calls.  These vocalizations, originating from the dense understory of the tall canopy of deciduous bottomland hardwood forest, are usually the first clues to the area's wealth of bird species.


Tour participants will be guided to multiple sites where facilitators will be available to assist them in bird identifications.  At each site it may be possible to hear as many as 15 species of birds.  Some birds are easily seen whereas others are elusive, so binoculars may be useful.  Participants in the Neotripic Songbird Tour are asked to assemble from 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. at the Whiskey Bay (Sherburne WMA) Exit on I-10.  Look for a gravel pull-off just after turning onto LA 975.


Songbird tour stops are each estimated to last 30 to 45 minutes.  The tour will include a mist-netting demonstration and conclude around 10:30 a.m.  Participants are then encouraged to continue five miles north from the last stop to the Sherburne Wildlife Management Area Headquarters to participate in STEP OUTSIDE Day.


Links to STEP OUTSIDE Day and its sponsors


Bird Checklist of US Fish & Wildlife Service


Recreation in New Orleans District, Corps of Engineers

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sunday Field trip

Please let me know if you plan to go on the field trip to Cameron Parish on Sunday and where you will meet us.
On the list:
Joseph Burleigh (Crowley)
Anne G.
Bob and Joy Loudon (at Sabine)
Judith O'Neale
504 Whitebark Drive
Lafayette LA 70508-6362
337-280-4193 - cell

Sunday, March 8, 2009

LOS Spring Meeting in Grand Isle

The Louisiana Ornithological Society will hold its spring meeting one week earlier than listed in our bulletin. The meeting will coincide with the Grand Isle Migratory Bird Festival. Below is the announcement for the meeting. Check it out, it will be great.
The LOS Spring Meeting announcement and registration form are now on the LOS web site, If you are planning on attending, make your room reservations now and please pre-register for the banquet. We will need to give the Grand Isle ladies a head count. They have fed us very well in the past and will do so again!  We are very excited to have our own Gay Gomez as our speaker on Saturday night. She will have copies of her new book with her to sell and autograph.
Judith O'Neale
504 Whitebark Drive
Lafayette LA 70508-6362
337-280-4193 - cell

Friday, March 6, 2009

LABA March field trip

Sorry that the newsletter is late again this month.
Here's information on the March field trip:

March 15 – Lake Martin

The nesting waterfowl are returning to Lake Martin and it is a good time to check out incoming migrants.  For those who want, we have booked a boat tour  at 7:30 a.m. with Butch Guchereau of Cajun Country Swamp Tours.  The cost for a two hour trip is $20.  We need to know how many people would be interested in going on the tour.  Those who choose not to go out on the boat can continue to bird the area.  We will also plan to go to have lunch at Café Des Amis in Breaux Bridge. 

Meet at the Heymann parking lot at 6:50 a.m. to car pool. 

PLEASE let Matilde know if you plan to attend and if you want to go on the boat tour.  Please make sure that she has your cell phone number. 337-856-6757 or cell 278-2936

This will be last newsletter for those who have not renewed their membership by March 30.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Peveto Woods Work Day - FYI

Sorry is this is a duplicate but we want to get the word out to as many people as possible.
BRAS friends,
I will be spending Valentine's Day, Saturday 2/14/09, at Peveto Woods. Jimmy
will be driving down with the tractor and we will put in another day of
removing debris and clearing some paths. Anyone wishing to join us is
welcome. Hope Norman has given us access to their camp as a home base. I
will actually go down Friday afternoon and spend the night rather than drive
down early Saturday. We will probably get started around 8:00AM. I will have
water and sandwich fixings for those that have lunch with us. I may spend
Saturday night as well depending on response.
Let me know if you are joining us so I can figure on quantities. E-mail me
Dave Patton
Sanctuary Committee

Monday, February 9, 2009

12th Annual Great Backyard Bird Count


12th Annual Great Backyard Bird Count

February 13 – 16, 2009


 Dear Great Backyard Bird Count Participant,

 Only four days remain until the 12th annual Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC). 

 Here are just a few quick reminders and updates:

Ø      To enter your bird count checklists, go to on the weekend of the count and click on the big "Enter your Checklists" button.  Note: This button will not appear until 7:00 AM February 13.

Ø      Don't forget to upload your images for the GBBC photo contest!  You can submit photos from February 13 through March 1 (a link to a page where you can upload photos will appear on on February 13). A select number of photos will be posted in the online gallery during the four days of the GBBC. 

Ø      Check out the GBBC blog at, run by Audubon's Senior Scientist, Rob Fergus, and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's Science Editor, Laura Erickson. 

Ø      Don't forget to play Eagle Eyes! Hone your birding skills as you wait for the count to begin.

 Feed the birds all winter!

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology is offering one season of Project FeederWatch free to NEW participants who sign up during the month of February. Visit to be part of this project and to receive a free kit and a subscription to the BirdScope quarterly newsletter.

Each year, your discoveries enlighten and inspire us. Thanks to all of you, we had great participation last year. With your help, we can get just as many or more checklists this year! We hope you'll reach out to your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers by forwarding this email to them or personally inviting them to "Count for Fun, Count for the Future!" 


Janis Dickinson, Director of Citizen Science, Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Rob Fergus, Senior Scientist, National Audubon Society

Great Backyard Bird Count

Copyright (C) 2008 National Audubon Society and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology
All rights reserved.

Forward this email to a friend
Update your contact information

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Atchafalaya National Wildlife Refuge meeting

TOMORROW NIGHT - Thursday January 29
If you are interested in the future of the Atchafalaya National
Wildlife Refuge, now is the chance for you to speak up!! The U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service is starting work on a long-term management
plan for the Refuge. A Comprehensive Conservation Plan (CCP) will be
developed, which is a practical guide for managing the Refuge over
the next 15 years. You can play a significant role in the development
of this far-reaching plan. Comments from the public will be used in
subsequent stages of the CCP planning process.

Join us for a public meeting on Thursday, January 29, 2009, from 6:00
to 8:00 p.m. at the Estuarine Habitat and Coastal Fisheries Center
(room 119), located at 646 Cajundome Road in Lafayette, Louisiana.

We invite YOU to provide comments to the following questions, as well
as any other issue, opportunity or concern they may have for the

What makes Atchafalaya Refuge special or unique for you?
What do you value most about the Atchafalaya Refuge?
What would you like to see the future hold for Atchafalaya Refuge?

Atchafalaya National Wildlife Refuge - 61389 Highway 434 – Lacombe,
Louisiana 70445 – 985) 882 - 2000
Judith O'Neale
504 Whitebark Drive
Lafayette LA 70508-6362
337-280-4193 - cell